
Recipe: Baked Potatoes

If you have heartburn, you’re not alone. Up to 50% of adults experience it at least once per month. It’s uncomfortable and can become potentially harmful.

But there are definitely things you can do to help it naturally!

Here’s a recipe for something that won’t cause burning, bloating, and throat symptoms. Trust me.

Recipe (Not Too Greasy or Spicy): Baked Potatoes

Serves 4

1 small bag of mini potatoes
4 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper


Scrub potatoes and boil them until they’re soft. How long will depend on their size, so check them by feeling how easily they’re penetrated with a fork or knife.

Drain the water and toss the potatoes with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt & pepper.

Place in a roasting dish at 425F for about 15 minutes.

Serve & enjoy!

Tip: Don’t have mini potatoes? Use large potatoes or sweet potatoes and chop them to the size of mini potatoes.

For more delicious recipes be sure to check out my Facebook page by clicking HERE. 

To your health!

coach roberta